Missed Miscarriage 101

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Miscarriages are so shocking and emotional. A miscarriage shatters hopes, dreams, and plans for the future. After each of my miscarriages I have felt emotionally broken. I shared a “miscarriage 101” post a few months ago. Did you know miscarriage occurs in 1 of every 4 pregnancies? You can find it a few posts back or on my blog. A type of miscarriage I hadn’t heard before is called a “missed miscarriage.”

- A missed miscarriage is a type of early pregnancy loss that occurs before 20 weeks it can also be called a “silent miscarriage,” or a “delayed miscarriage.”
- A missed miscarriage can happen completely unnoticed. In other miscarriages there is usually an indication that something is wrong. In a missed miscarriage there are no signals that a miscarriage is happening. No bleeding, spotting, or pain to indicate signal something is wrong.
- HCG labels can remain high in blood because a placenta can still function even after an embryo dies.
- To diagnose a missed miscarriage an ultrasound scan is often required.
- A missed miscarriage is also not a sign that you can’t be pregnant or a mother in the future.

I would really like to stress that if you have experienced a miscarriage or a missed miscarriage you did absolutely NOTHING wrong. Miscarriage is so awful and extremely difficult but it is not your fault, and you are not alone.

Feelings of loss, grief, numbness, anger, and shock are totally normal. You are not alone! Allow yourself time to heal and be kind to yourself as you grieve. It takes time to recover and reach out for help if you need it.

Have you ever heard of a missed miscarriage or have any questions? Please ask below or share a 💛 if you’ve experienced one so others will know they aren’t alone.