My Story: My Second Ectopic Pregnancy - Part 2: ER surgery, my infertility, and lessons I've learned

2ndEctopic-part 2

I have experienced 2 ectopic pregnancies in the past 2 years. You can read about my first ectopic pregnancy HERE. This is part 2 of my second ectopic pregnancy. You can find part 1 HERE. doctor kept stressing that I needed to get to the ER immediately. I was crying but also in a little bit of denial. I asked her questions that probably sounded more like delusional rambling as I tried to process it all, "How? How was this missed again? ...this means I am closer to 11 weeks pregnant then. This isn't husband isn't home, I can't take my kids to the hospital with me." The only answer she had was that she was sorry, I needed to be at the hospital in an hour or less, and the hospital knew I would be coming. For the second time in just 2 years my life was in question and it was a point where no one was sure what was going on.

I hung up the phone and was physically shaking. I could barely hold my phone to call Cory and tell him that we were going to be reliving the same misery of an ectopic pregnancy again. I think because we have been married 10 years, and have experienced pregnancy loss so many times together he knew exactly what had happened as soon as he heard me crying out the words "Cory...".

30 minutes later we were all in the car. Cory dropped me off at the ER, and then made arrangements for my kids. It felt surreal walking into the ER again sobbing to say the words "I think I am having an ectopic pregnancy again? My doctor sent y'all a message saying I was coming?" Then to get immediate sad eyes from the check-in nurse who leaned across the table to squeeze my hand and say "I am so sorry, we will take care of you."

I sat in the waiting room silently crying. I am sure I looked like a broken mess to people passing by. Cory came just a few minutes before another nurse called me back to go over my history, symptoms, etc. “When was your last period?” “What is your pain level?” “How many pregnancies have you had?” “How many live births?” With each question felt more like a kick in the gut.

I was first in line for an ultrasound. You know something is wrong when it takes two people to do your ultrasound and it’s insanely painful. Just like in the past an ultrasound was “inconclusive” for a pregnancy but I did have 2 large ovarian cysts. My blood work also showed that my HCG level had somehow come down! Everyone seemed to take a sigh of relief and was ready to stamp “miscarriage” onto my paperwork. My gut couldn’t believe it. I blamed it on PTSD and the trauma of my previous ectopic. The on call OBGYN talked to me on the phone with plans to send me home. Cory and I kept stressing how uncomfortable that made us, neither of us were sure. Finally my sweet nurse made the suggestion that I go home, but then I come back the next afternoon for new blood panels.

So we went home.

After more blood work, and another ultrasound everyone was left scratching their heads. Once again it was the fun game of “Where is the pregnancy?” I was in more pain, and was only comfortable with my knees close to my chest. I was given some glorious concoction of pain killers and gave consent to a CT scan and then we waited.

As soon as the ER doctor came in I knew. “Cysts are larger than we thought…you have some blood pooling……and we the radiologist is pretty positive it is an ectopic pregnancy, I am so sorry.” He kept talking but I was sobbing. I would need emergency surgery again and the on call OBGYN would be into talk to me about details.

Not even 5 minutes later, before we had time to process anything a nurse came in and said “I’m here to take you up to surgery.” I was wheeled up to surgery and still crying. I don’t really remember how long it took me to get prepped. Before I knew it the OBGYN was telling me it would be an “exploratory surgery.” …well neat, I’d love for you to “explore” in my abdomen. “First we will do a gentle D&C, remove the 2 large cysts, then go to the other side and check for an ectopic pregnancy.”

Cory and I said a prayer before I was wheeled off to the surgical room. Once again I was in a freezing cold room with everyone covered in surgical masks, gowns and gloves. I scooted onto the hard surgical board and quietly cried while they put the oxygen on my face.

Sure enough there was an ectopic pregnancy and they left my last fallopian tube. I woke up in HORRIFIC pain. The worst pain I have ever been in. Worse than my c-sections, worse than my last ectopic surgery. I was in recovery for hours but determined to go home. Worst. Decision. EVER. I should have let the nurses admit me when they offered. My pain was out of control. I could not sit up by myself or walk standing up straight. The bed could not shake or move at all without me being in horrific pain. My sweet husband was up with me like a newborn making sure I stayed up on my painkillers.

After a long few weeks I finally started to physically feel more “normal” and went for my post op check up. I recovered well physically and we talked about what this meant for me moving forward. Even though my last tube was saved it is “diseased” and most likely scarred. My risk for another ectopic pregnancy is really high. I am not the typical “ectopic pregnancy” case. I present everything weird and abnormally. This makes my ectopic pregnancies really hard to diagnose, I am pregnant for a long time with them, and it gets scary fast. If we were to get pregnant on my own and it was another ectopic pregnancy my other tube would need to be removed. In my doctors words “it’s not worth the risk of your life.” Which I knew but it was shocking to hear out loud. IVF is my safest option to be pregnant again. I never thought IVF would be my reality or something I would be even in breathing distance of. I now have the medical history or labels of secondary infertility, recurrent pregnancy loss, and tubal infertility.

Things I have learned from this experience:

  1. I am SUPER strong. I can go through a lot and survive. One of my “worst case scenarios” became my reality. I wish I could say I went through it gracefully but I did not. It was really mess, ugly, and dark at times. But I survived. I woke up and tackled one day at a time. Now that I am 9 months down the road from the experience I keep seeing new strengths from this experience.

  2. I am way more empathetic. This experience has helped me connect with a whole new group of people I never would have had the opportunity to meet. The infertility and pregnancy loss community is a tight knit one. We know a certain kind of loss that no one else can quite understand. There is an instant connection.

  3. I am way more brave and bold than I have ever been before. This year has been so hard but I have put myself out there more than I ever have. I have found new talents and discovered more things that I love to do. I feel like I have more drive and confidence than I ever have before.

Above all because I am more grateful, I am closer with my children and husband, I have a stronger faith and relationship with God and the Savior.

If you are going through an ectopic pregnancy know that there is hope. I have felt the really ugly, dark, heavy, and terrible emotions of ectopic pregnancy. You are not only grieving the loss of your baby but also the loss of your body. In my case I am also grieving the loss of my health and fertility. It is really really painful and hard but it does get easier. Please reach out if you need support. You are stronger than you know and you are never alone!

Fundraising For Infertility & Help Us Win A IVF Grant {Plus, A HUGE Prize Pack GIVEAWAY!}

My husband and I will be going to the Bundled Blessings Fertility Event on Saturday, Sept. 8th! Bundled Blessings offers grants for fertility treatments, surrogacy, and adoption. My husband and I have an application entered into the fertility grant lottery. This is such a huge opportunity! We are hoping to move forward with our goal of IVF. We have been working so hard for months and are excited for what this opportunity could open up for us.


To help increase our chances in the lottery we need YOU to join our team! You join our team by purchasing a ticket to the event. Your ticket both helps increase our chances of winning AND helps grow more grants for more couples.

I have been working on something really exciting for YOU our supporters as well! I have been in contact with so many great brands and companies the past week. They have so very generously donated amazing products & gift cards for my own giveaway. Anyone who buys a ticket to our Four Hearts Project team will be entered to win a prize pack!


Go to this link to purchase a ticket! Each ticket "Non-Attending ticket"  you purchase will be an entry to win a ticket for a Prize Pack! That is it! Easy peasy. When you purchase a ticket or tickets I will get an email notifying you have joined our team. I will announce the winner after the event Sept. 7th. 

There are 3 prize packs for you to win!!! I am so super grateful for the generosity of the companies, businesses, and people who have been so supportive of this endeavor. I could not have done any of it without their kind & amazing donations.

Four Hearts Project Prize Pack 1: 


Four Hearts Project Prize Pack 2:


Four Hearts Project Prize Pack 3:


Regardless if our family wins a grant your ticket will go to help others. Bundled Blessings keeps none of the profits. They are strictly a volunteer organization. Every single penny goes towards grants. This is such an important cause and will change lives! It is also tax deductible. Tickets will close soon so buy your tickets now! 

We really appreciate all the love, support, prayers, and good vibes that have been sent our way. Keep them coming and leave some love below! We love and appreciate you all so so much. 

The giveaway will end Sept. 8th at 11pm. Must be 18 years or older to enter and be a US resident.

My Story: My Second Ectopic Pregnancy - Part 1: infertility, recurrent pregnancy loss, and the mistake

2nd Ectopic - part 1

Go HERE to read my first experience with ectopic pregnancy.

I had mentally bargained with myself, and probably a little bit with God.

"Ok, I have had 2 miscarriages, 1 of which I almost bled to death. I have had an ectopic pregnancy and I lost my left fallopian tube. It was awful, but I have had my turn. I've learned a bunch, now we can move on."

A few months went by...I physically healed, I went to therapy for a few months, I was still struggling with grief but I was much better at coping, and I was functioning again. I decided to put my traumatizing fear aside and have faith to give my body another chance to have a healthy pregnancy. I was so sure that now it was "my turn." For my 5 previous pregnancies, I was pregnant in 3 months or less. It had never been a struggle to get pregnant before only to STAY pregnant. I was reassured by two different doctors that my chances of having a healthy pregnancy were good even with one fallopian tube. One doctor said, "you have the perfect pelvis!" ...uhhhh, thank you(???), weird/best compliment ever, but it gave me hope. 


3 months went by, nothing. I decided to buy HCG tests. 3 more months, nothing. I bought more HCG test and pregnancy tests in bulk on Amazon. 6 more months, nothing. Every month felt like a kick in the gut. Wondering if you're pregnant every month is a real mind game. Especially when period symptoms can also feel so much like pregnancy symptoms. 2 years had gone by since we had started trying to get pregnant. The beginning of December 2017 I went to see my OBGYN who also thought it was strange we were struggling with infertility. She ordered Clomid, progesterone, and baby aspirin for my next cycle. 

It was busy with Christmas shopping, parties, traditions, end of term school projects, programs, etc...being pregnant left my mind. I realized my period was a few days late and figured it was probably stress. After the removal of my tube my periods weren't super consistent anyway.

December 22nd, the weekend before Christmas, on a whim I took a pregnancy test. It was negative, again, of course, and I threw it in the trash. I kept hustling around the house cleaning to get ready for Christmas. I went into clean my bathroom and happened to glance in the trash at my previously discarded pregnancy test. "Huh, that looks positive...... WAIT! That IS positive!" Heart racing I lunged for my Costco sized supply of pregnancy tests. My next test was positive too. For wanting to be pregnant and trying for so long I was honestly surprised. I frantically called my doctor, voice shaking, tears starting to puddle up in my eyes then quietly roll down my cheeks from both fear and excitement.

"Should I go in, do I have a blood test, should I start the progesterone now, how long have I even been pregnant, what if I already took something I shouldn't and hurt the baby?!" So many questions frantically flew out of me a million miles an hour. The nurse was so kind but said because of the Christmas weekend they would be leaving the office early and wouldn't be back until Tuesday. A blood test wouldn't matter so I should try to stay optimistic. She suggested I start the progesterone and also the baby aspirin. I was ready to cancel all holiday travel plans, one of my biggest fears was I would start to lose the baby and have to do it in front of everyone. I didn't want that vulnerability, heartbreak, and pain put on display. The nurse reassured me to go on our holiday 8-hour road trip to see family and have a great time.

I floated blissfully through Christmas. I was on cloud 9, already talking to the baby through my thoughts, and thought this was the most perfect Christmas gift. This is what we waited for. This is what the 2 years of struggle, infertility, and loss had been for. I learned a bunch, my relationship with my husband Cory grew, my testimony was stronger...we had made it. A few days later, on December 27th we started the drive to my mom's house. Cory and I quietly talked all things baby during the long drive. We only had 45 minutes until we got to my mom's house and then I felt it.


My heart jumped into my throat and I immediately thought " way! It's not happening again." The rest of the world phased out into a blur, Cory sounded muffled and far away as I went to check with my mind racing. "Please no, please, please not again." Sure enough, I was bleeding. Bright red blood that I knew all to well from my 3 previous losses. I slowly and quietly said, "I'm bleeding." Cory's face went white and he looked at me with disbelief. I hit the dashboard and I'm pretty sure I swore under my breath as I went numb. He said something but I don't really remember the rest of the drive. I think I prayed, begged, and bartered with God, and I tried to convince myself that this wasn't happening again. This was "my turn" after all. This was our perfect little gift. Surely this would not happen again, it had to be a joke. 

We pulled into my mom's driveway and my kids jumped out of the car excited to see grandma. I hurried to call the nurse. I demanded to not be put on hold, I needed to talk to someone now. I told the nurse in between sobs what was happening. She said "oh sweetie, I am so sorry this is happening again. It sounds like a miscarriage and it will just happen. There is nothing we can do. Go to the emergency room there if the pain is too much and get back here to see Dr. Z when you can, we will get you right in." 

I hung up and we sobbed. We sat in the car crying and hugging for so long my mom and sister came to check and see if we were ok. This was my nightmare. Losing another baby and now telling everyone about it with all my broken pieces exposed. I couldn't stop crying, I was hysterical. My kids started to worry so I pulled myself together and we opened other Christmas gifts that had been waiting for us. I was like a zombie trying to smile and be excited. I told Cory I was not going to stay. I needed to go home ASAP because one I wanted to grieve alone, and two I needed to be close to my OBGYN since my pregnancy losses have gone from "normal" to life-threatening fast. The next day was my son's birthday. The plan was I would make his Star Wars birthday cake, we would open presents, spend the day together, and I would fly home that evening. I somehow managed some sleep and then had a fun birthday with my son. Making birthday cake is one of my love languages and Hayden's cake turned out just how I imagined it in my head. He loved his scooter and other birthday surprises. I loved celebrating him, and kissed on him and my daughter as much as I could. The bleeding kept coming and I knew the pregnancy was over.

Cory drove me to the airport, we hugged goodbye in front of security for a long time, he kissed me at least a dozen times, and I caught my flight. I listened to a podcast about healing from recurrent pregnancy loss and grief the whole flight home. A close friend picked me up from the airport to take me home. She lovingly loaded me up with food, bath salts, lotion, and said to call if I needed anything while I was home alone. I had been quietly emotionless like a robot until I walked into my home, closed the door behind me, and sank to the floor in a broken heap with sobs that sounded more like howls. I limped upstairs to bed and fell asleep.

The Mistake

My doctor was able to get me in the next day. Going into the OBGYN when you are in the middle of a pregnancy loss is hell. There is no other way to say it. It's hell. Baby pictures and pregnant mothers everywhere. Gag. After an ultrasound that showed nothing in my uterus, my doctor said she thought it was a miscarriage and my body had done all the hard part on its own. She diagnosed me with recurrent pregnancy loss, we talked about what that meant for my fertility,  and to come back in about a month.

3 weeks went by with "recurrent pregnancy loss" still ringing in my ears but I still felt weird and just off. I knew something wasn't right and I started to have pain on my right side. At my checkup, I mentioned the pain to my doctor and she replied it was most likely a cyst from ovulation. It had been a month since I first started bleeding so that timeline made sense. I had a pelvic exam and my doctor was even more convinced I had an ovulation cyst. She also said "The chances of having another ectopic pregnancy opposite from the diseased tube is very, very, very, super unlikely. That would be way rare." I asked for blood work just to double check my HCG level. Three days later I still didn't have my blood results. Since it was a Friday and I didn't want to wait anymore I called my doctors office. The nurse said she would track my blood results down for the lab. 15 minutes later my doctor's office called. When I answered it was my doctor, not the nurse, and I knew immediately something was wrong. 

"Megan, your HCG from Tuesday has gone up to 147 since your initial 42. You need to get to the ER immediately. ....I am so sorry, but we missed it again and made a mistake. I think this is another ectopic pregnancy."

to be continued....

I stop at this part of the story not to be extremely annoying and leave a giant cliffhanger, but to point out a few things this part of my story taught me.

1. For a long time, I felt like God had given and then cruelly taken something away. Especially after I waited for 2 years to be pregnant again! How was this the nature of God? What I lacked to see then, blinded by grief were the blessings that were flooding in through this trial. Family and friends that rallied to comfort me like angels. We were able to find a flight at the perfect time so I could be with Hayden on his birthday and get home asap. Inspiration to know something was going on with my body and I should have it pursued. God has a perfect love for each of us. God doesn't remove trials but He does strengthen us. God doesn't turn His back on us but is constantly lifting us. We just have to look for His love and goodness. Once I actively started looking for even the smallest blessings my heart started to change and feel lighter.

2. The world keeps moving even when it stands still for you. Be kind to yourself while you feel all the emotions. Selfcare is so important. I was on my own while my family was in Utah for about a week and a half. I wanted to be alone to grieve and I didn't want my kids to miss out on fun holiday time with family. I spent quite a few days locked up in my room. I was in a super dark place. I didn't shower, personal hygiene went out the window, I didn't get dressed, and I barely left my room to eat. One Saturday on a whim I threw on a bra, some sweats, and a comfy shirt. I put my hair up in a messy bun and drove myself to the movies. I watched The Greatest Showman on my own with snacks and a blanket. It was one of the best things I could have done. It reminded me that life was still happening outside my room and I could move with it if I wanted. It would be insanely hard, but life was not going to wait for me. 

3. Be my own advocate, trust my gut and what my body is trying to tell me. I know doctors are super knowledgeable. I really appreciate them and all the schooling, work, and training they go through. However, I am my best advocate and no one knows my body like I do. Thank goodness I pushed and asked more questions about how I was feeling. Thank goodness I requested another blood test just to double check. If I hadn't pushed my outcome could have taken a much more tragic turn.

The next part of this story is in some ways more difficult. It is really when everything blew up and where my PTSD stems from. I am starting to get to a place where I am grateful for this first part. It was long and a drug out process but it helped prepare me for something I didn't even see coming. 

Progress Over Perfection: Overcoming Feelings of Inadequacy

Progress over Perfection

A week ago on Instagram I had a poll that asked: “do you ever feel inadequate in one or multiples roles/areas in your life?” I also asked what letter grade you would give yourself currently and what letter grade you think you should be. The result was 100% said yes to feeling inadequate most of the time. The average letter grade people said they currently are is a C or B- and everyone said they should be an A- or an A. I am totally a perfectionist, and a planner. I set super high probably absurd expectations for myself. I know exactly what it is like to feel inadequate, and I would never want anyone else to feel that way.

I have noticed that while processing my grief I tend to overcompensate and especially stretch myself thin in all areas of my life. It is like I had all this extra love and energy to give to a new baby, a new person in our family, new dreams, and now it has nowhere to go. I try and do all the things. Keep my house spotless, plan healthy delicious meals and snacks, have fun crafts for my kids, plan surprises for them, have adventures for my family, be a better friend, wife, and daughter, do more, accomplish more, BE MORE! A+ all the time or inadequacy takes off like a runaway train.

Feeling inadequate is THE worst. If I feel inadequate it goes hand in hand with other emotions. Inadequate & powerless. Inadequate & negative self-talk. Inadequate & worthless. Inadequate & shame. I get burnt out, more depressed, and more anxious. My weaknesses seem to be exaggerated and I feel I am failing in at least one or more(sometimes all!) areas of my life.

Society, our culture, and social media have set an exceptionally high bar of perfection. We see everyone at their very best and compare those snapshot moments to our worst moments. It is impossible to do all the things and be all the things to everyone 100% all the time. We are flawed. We are meant to be flawed. Beautifully, perfectly, divinely flawed. 

Instead of an A+, 100% perfection, our efforts of a B- or a C are perfectly acceptable and enough. B- and a C is still well over passing y’all! That is killing it in my book! I also guarantee your efforts are viewed as an A to everyone else. We are so hard on ourselves! When I allow myself to know that my best might be a C it changes my perception completely.

We shouldn’t stop trying to getting better and attain new goals. I don’t think we should settle for mediocre, but the goal should be progress and not perfection. Focusing on progress helps us be happier, feel peace, and have stronger relationships with those around us. Progress helps us see where we want to go, be humble, grateful, and empathetic to others.

We are meant to be imperfect, if we did things A+ all the time there would be no need for a Savior. We are meant to come to Him and be perfected in time while we learn. There are only certain things that you can do! No one can do things the way you can. I guarantee you are doing much better than you think you are. We are absolutely and completely enough. We are divine. We are loved.

Bundled Blessings Fertility

bundled blessings

Yesterday I shared the story from the gorgeous Santanna. I shared that we talked last week and it was so amazing talking to her. Santanna is one of 5 women who volunteer their time and work for Bundled Blessings Fertility. If you are going through infertility you NEED to know about Bundled Blessings.

The women at Bundled Blessings are all infertility warriors. They know first hand the pain, heartache, loneliness, and financial burden that comes with infertility.  They raise awareness about infertility and also provide grants to families diagnosed with infertility to assist with treatment, adoption, and surrogacy costs. *cue ugly cry* It is such a selfless and inspired thing to do. This is their third year offering grants to couples at an annual event. In three years 11 grants have been given, 4 babies born, 1 adoption and 3 are on the way! They are changing the lives of families! 

This year they are having 2 events. The first one is in Pleasant Grove, Utah on September 8th. The second is in Boise, Idaho on November 10th. It sounds like such an amazing night and I plan on participating in one or maybe both events.

Right now the grant applications for both UT and ID are OPEN! Bundled Blessings Fertility Foundation grants are funded through private and corporate sponsors throughout the year. There is a $75 processing fee for your application. Couples need to have an infertility diagnosis and also show a financial need. The night is also filled with a catered dinner, inspiring speakers, and a dinner auction that is added to the grant amounts. At the event, grants will be chosen blindly through a lottery and you need to be at the event to claim your grant.

The events are such an amazing opportunity to not only receive possibly financial help through a grant, but also to continue to grow the infertility community. I am so grateful for all the women, and couples I have been able to meet the past 2 years. It is such a strong, loving, and joyful community. I hope that I can meet some of you at the Bundled Blessings events!! Go to their website for more information, fill out your own grant application, or donate to their organization.